Conscious Parenting models that our children come into our lives to teach US patience, compassion, humility, courage and self worth - not the other way around.
If nothing else, the world-wide pandemic has forced us to take a breath from our hectic lives as parents and a good look inward. During this pause, many parents have found themselves and their children struggling with feeling disconnected, anxious, judged and depressed, often leading to episodes of rebellion and frustration. Now is a uniquely opportune time to guide parents, families, and educators to re-think and re-configure their lives to be more compassionate and relationship-oriented. Life unfolds unexpectedly, and we have learned that nothing can be taken for granted.
Compare the differences between conscious parenting and traditional parenting…
Conscious Parenting
Process based
Needs based
No fear
Connection based
Flow and ease
Natural consequences
No shaming or guilting
Parenting is a journey
No strategies/gimmicks
No fixing or managing
Both are teachers
Children know
Traditional Parenting
Outcome based
Behavior based
Fear based
Control based
Rules and order
Arbitrary, parental consequences
Yelling, shaming, guilting
Parenting is a task
Filled with strategies/gimmicks
Fixing, managing, controlling
One is the teacher
Parents know
Wouldn’t it be wonderful for parents to have the tools to build resilient, flexible, strong and independent kids?