Conscious Parenting

Tools to calm, cultivate & connect the modern family

  • Is parenting exhausting for you?

  • Do you catch yourself disciplining through hollow threats and imagined control?

  • Are you short-tempered in reaction, then engulfed with guilt?

  • Are you anxious about your child’s behavior, instead of cognizant of your own triggers?

  • What if the traditional age-old ways of parenting were all wrong?

  • What if compassion and connection, not control and anxiety, build strong, independent, resilient kids?

  • What if our kids’ main purpose was to remind us of our original sources of joy, not fulfill some fabricated concept of “potential”?


Let us guide you with another way to parent…


Our Services


Conscious Coaching

Learn how to communicate in ways that increase respect and understanding within your family. As you implement conscious parenting practices, your family will feel calmer, less reactive and more connected.

Online Presentations

From “Introduction to Conscious Parenting” to “Navigating the Minefield of Teens,” our coaches offer a variety of online presentations that will educate, engage and enlighten both experienced and eager-to-be conscious parents.

Conscious Conversations

Come together for “real talk” about everyday parenting. We will show you a counter-intuitive way to break the patterns, eliminate power struggles and reconnect with your kids in a mindful and liberating way.

What our clients are saying…


Julie, Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me and my teenagers. In the two years I’ve been in Atlanta, I haven’t had the gift of a close friend on the same spiritual journey who could "get me" so quickly and authentically.  In our first six sessions, you’ve already found my triggers and disrupted the damaging patterns I couldn’t see myself.  You helped me unblock my connection with my daughters, and I have more tools in my toolbox for the future.

-D.G., Mom of 13 & 16 yr olds

I never understood why I got so mad at some of my son's behaviors.  He was just being a kid.  Julie helped shine a spotlight on my own triggers that I didn't even know were there.  And by recognizing my wounds and that they were the reason for my anger and not my son's behavior, I was able to be more patient and compassionate during my son’s tantrums. Julie was a friend to me when I needed support and provided Conscious Parenting steps to a healthier way to parent.

-C.C., Mom of 5 yr old

I was always focused on the doing doing doing, more interested in my kids' activities and behaviors than what was going on in their hearts.  I had lost my authentic connection to them, and found myself getting frustrated when they didn't do what I wanted when I wanted it.  Julie helped me understand that my parenting anxiety came from my own upbringing of constant pressure, and that following the same traditional model as my parents' generation would make things worse.  With Julie's help, I'm now self-aware that my fears are mine, and I can watch them and keep them separate from my relationship with my kids so their lives can unfold free from my habit of over-control.

-J.L., Dad of 11, 13, and 17 yr olds
